Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Internet Musings

This post is not about my experience in Mongolia, it is my experience using the internet while in Mongolia. Maybe because my social life dramatically shrunk or maybe because I'm sitting at a desk for 40+ hours a week, but I seem to be randomly on the internet A LOT. (That's not to say I don't get work done too, but the standard pattern seems to be: work for 30 minutes, check internet for 10 minutes, work for 20 minutes, check internet for 20 minutes, work for 60 minutes, check internet for.....etc.)

So here are a few insights I have made after lots of internet time:
  • Pinterest - I love it and hate it. Never has a website made me feel so conflicted. People post all kinds of fitness inspirations and exercise routines right next to a million recipes for delicious and decadent foods. I feel motivated and hungry every time I'm on there. Still, it is awesome and I'm realizing that there are some really awesome/nerdy people out there. That said....
  • Fans are weird - I've always considered myself a pretty dedicated fan to certain things (Harry Potter, Star Wars, LOTR, etc) but I am nothing compared to people on the internet. I just learned the term 'shipper' (or something like that) about people who imagine relationships between different characters of books or movies. People, stop imagining different relationship combinations between Harry Potter characters, it creeps me out. Get a life!
  • Fashion blogs - these provide hours of fun when you look up the back posts for 2 years on a certain person. I feel very well informed of Michelle Obama's fashion evolution over the past 2 years and I feel like I could be a pretty good stylist at this point.
  • TV show blogs - I really only read the Downtown Abbey blogs, but boy were they fun. I never feel quite so informed until after one episode of one show has been picked apart by several people and discussed until someone's ears are bleeding.
  • I'm getting to be really good at stiffling my laughter and hiding my smiling face in my office when I come across something funny on the internet. Of course maybe I just think I'm good at it and really my coworkers think I'm having a mini stroke every hour or so.
Well that's about all that comes to mind right now. Sorry for the lack of pictures, it will make this post very boring, but this is my blog and I felt the need to express the above thoughts.


  1. 'maybe I just think I'm good at it and really my coworkers think I'm having a mini stroke every hour or so' HAHAHA- I'm currently unsuccessfully holding back my reaction..I'm sure my co-worker sitting diagonal to me is wondering why I'm smile and rocking back and forth while at laptop! :P

  2. Hahahahaha. I love this post! You should check out Tumblr. It combines all of the things you listed onto one website.

  3. hahahaa, oh man i want to witness you being sly/having a mini-stroke stifling your laughter!
