Thursday, April 5, 2012

Going Postal

This is a special thank you shout-out to everyone who has sent me things in the mail since I've been here. It is always fun to receive snail mail (and I personally LOVE to send it). All of my mail gets delivered to my office and since that's really the only mail we get my coworkers think I'm pretty popular.
Letters and postcards.
My birthday box from my mom, notice the lovely dents.
My most interesting piece of mail was a package sent by my sister. When it arrived it had clearly been opened because it was taped up right in the middle and there was a used plastic fork in there. So I got a bonus gift from the Mongolian postal worker who violated my property. Awesome!
I'm impressed they still delivered it to the right address considering the first letters of all the lines are hard to read because of the giant tear.
My bonus gift.


  1. Is it a prank or someone accidentally dropped the fork? I want to send you a package to see what happens!

  2. what!! ewww! hahaha! that is so funny. had they taken anything?
