Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

I am now the age that my mother turned for 30 years. While I was growing up, every year we celebrated my mother's 27th birthday (my dad would turn 29 every year). As a child that seemed kind of old, but considering my maturity level, that's not old at all.

I had a very pleasant, low-key birthday, which is usually how I like it. I went out to lunch with my coworkers and they brought a cake. (I have found that cakes in Asia are typically not very good. They are never sweet enough, the frosting is usually funky, and there are random pieces of fruit cocktail in it.) Then after work I went to the gym with my friends and afterward we went to a bakery where I picked out a very promising piece of chocolate cake and we ate our goodies in a nearby park. This was the highlight of my day because it was with my favorite people in Mongolia and the cake was really good. When I got home at around 9:30pm my roommate was waiting for me with decorations and dinner. As I walked in the door she said, "I hope you're hungry," (which I was not in the least), then she said, "even if you're not you have to eat." So yeah, that was fun. Bless her heart she's trying really hard, but of course the harder she tries the more annoyed I get. She also had a cake which was typically not very appetizing. 

A special thank you to everyone who left me facebook messages and sent me emails, I feel very grateful to have such wonderful friends and family.

Me with the first cake of the day.
My coworkers, boss, visiting regional Habitat officer, and visiting leader of the US  Global Village team (she's in the Peace Corp in Mongolia and happened to be visiting the office that day)

Me and church friends in the park.
Me and and my second piece of cake. By far the best.
This was waiting for me when I got home.

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