Monday, April 23, 2012


Holy lack of blog posts Batman!!!!! I'm very sorry that I haven't posted on the blog for more than 2 weeks (ouch). I don't really have a good excuse: I was busy, then I was frustrated, then I decided to brood for a while. But now that my mother has more regular access to the internet (the result of my brother coming home and being able to fix it for her), she has commented on my lack of posts. So, here we go again, I'm resolving to post at least a few times a week (I think I've made this resolution 3 times since starting this blog).

Yesterday it snowed. It doesn't snow here very often (a few times a month) and when it does it is usually just flurries that don't accumulate. But yesterday it really snowed and we got a couple of inches. I was none too pleased.

I have been informed that snowing will continue until the middle of May. After that it might still snow, but it would be more out of the ordinary.


  1. Stephanie! This is your cousin Rachel (Lori's daughter), the one you don't know Haha. I'm staying at the flemings in huntington and Aunt Mer just asked if I'd seen your blog. I said no, and she immediately handed me your address. So here I am blog stalking you. I love seeing all the pictures from your adventures- how awesome. Let's be friends cousin! :)

    ps there's pictures of your brother on my last post!
