Friday, March 30, 2012

Mexican Fiesta Con Los Misioneros

On Wednesday I had the missionaries over for dinner. Now that I have my own apartment and my own kitchen I figured the least I can do for the missionaries is feed them. There were two American Elders and two Mongolian Sisters and my roommate. Now I don’t cook very much under the best of circumstances and therefore do not feel very confident when cooking in not so great of circumstances, so I went to my old fall back of Mexican food. I made my own tortillas (a skill I’ve found essential since living in Switzerland back in 2007) and with them we had chicken taquitos and beef tacos. As sides we had black refried beans and lime cilantro rice. The tacos and taquitos were pretty good, the rice was adequate, the beans were in trouble but I added cheese and the Elders ate them anyway. It was really fun to have all four missionaries over and to get to know them better. It was also awesome for my roommate to meet them and talk with them for quite a while. Despite my sometimes lacking culinary skills, I'm declaring the evening a success. 
I forgot to take a picture of the table before we ate, so this is a picture of after.
Elder Jolley, Elder Quinton, Sister Bolor Erdene, Sister Naran Gerel, and me.

1 comment:

  1. Your dinner sounds very successful. You're so good to have the missionaries over. I don't know if I have ever had them over. It might be because the missionaries here are one set of elders to three stakes, or something ridiculous like that. Anyway, it sounds like fun! I'm so glad you're blogging.
