Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hunger Games

I am very lucky that the Hunger Games movie actually came to Mongolia, and only a week after it opened in the US (unlike some of my unfortunate classmates who are going to have to wait months to see it, I'm truly sorry). I went on Friday, the first day it opened here with my roommate. Overall I enjoyed the movie and I thought it was a pretty good adaptation. My only issue was seeing it with a Mongolian audience. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't care so much what the audience's reactions and behavior are during a movie, but I have read and loved the books and was REALLY looking forward to seeing this movie, and I was taking it kind of seriously. The entire movie there were people talking throughout the theater and the couple sitting next to me was the worst. (If I knew how to chew someone out in Mongolian I seriously would have done it. Nothing gets me more upset than someone ruining my film watching experience.) Add to the chatter that people around me were checking their cellphones the entire movie (including ANSWERING them). Then, the reactions to the movie were kind of weird. Every time the movie showed Gale, the whole audience would laugh. They laughed at a lot of the movie which I found a little disturbing. Granted when children started to be killed during the opening bloodbath at the cornucopia that shut the audience up pretty quickly. The whole experience has made me appreciate the American audiences I usually see movies with. Once before when I was in Switzerland I saw the movie Enchanted and the Swiss audience didn't get all the references and therefore didn't react as well to the movie as I did. I later saw Enchanted a few months later in Provo, with a packed theater and it was a much more enjoyable experience. I think I'm going to have to see the Hunger Games again, hopefully with an audience that appreciates it a little more.

Despite my complaining, I'm still super happy I saw it.

Waiting for the movie, I was pretty stoked.

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