Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Funny? Not so much.

Right before I left I had a conversation with my mom that went something like this:

Mom: How come you haven’t made your blog funny? Isn’t it supposed to be funny?
Me: I don’t know. I’m not usually funny on purpose. It doesn’t have to be funny, it’s just supposed to update people on how I’m doing.
Mom: Well why don’t you talk about when you first heard about going to Mongolia?
Me: You mean how I came home and burst into tears as soon as my roommate came to talk to me?
Mom: Yeah, that’s funny!

I’m not sure why me crying is funny, but apparently my mom thinks it is. Turns out my tears were for nothing because living here is not so bad. They have pretty much anything a Westerner could ask for. Including giant jars of Nutella and Dunkin Donuts Coffee (if I drank coffee, you better believe I would buy Dunkin's coffee).


  1. Nutella!!!!!!! Yum!!!!! Please tell me you have also purchased a "Ricardo" to keep you warm!!

  2. Mmm, Nutella! "I'm not usually funny on purpose" sums you up pretty well, because you are effortlessly hilarious and make me smile so much :-)

  3. Erin - so far I haven't needed a Ricardo, if you can believe that. It's warm enough inside if I'm wearing a couple of layers. Besides, I could never replace Ricardo, he was one of a kind.
    Swathi - for the sake of my health I have resisted buying the giant Nutella jar, but I'm pretty sure I'll break down one of these days.

  4. you should break down...it'll add a layer of warmth! :-p
