Thursday, January 5, 2012

Off on another adventure...

Well, here I go again. I am about to take on the status of 'ex-pat' for the fourth time in my life. I'm excited, a little nervous, and a little sad to be leaving the wonderful life and amazing friends I have in Boston.

I am moving to Mongolia to complete an internship with Habitat for Humanity Mongolia. I am in my last semester earning my Master's degree in Social Work from Boston College. My concentration is Global Practice, hence the international internship requirement. My internship is set to last 6 months, mid January to mid July. I will be living in the capital Ulaanbaatar and my official job title is "Resource Development and Communications Associate."

It has been very exciting the past few months anticipating and getting ready to move abroad again. A great camaraderie developed between me and my fellow globetrotting classmates. I could never have survived the past few semesters without them and I wish them all luck and success as we go off to different corners of the world.

The 2012 group of Global Practice students at the GSSW with the locations of where we're going.

One of my grand plans is to update this blog regularly while I am in Mongolia as a way to keep friends and family informed and to stay in touch with everyone home and abroad. Let's hope I actually do it.