Thursday, January 19, 2012

Some initial observations

1. People in Ulaanbaatar jay-walk everywhere. They are constantly walking in front of cars, behind cars, in-between cars. I’m pretty sure they’d just climb right over top of the cars if there wasn’t enough room in between them.

2. Mongolians are not as short as I had anticipated. This is a good thing.

3. I do not stand out as much as I did in China, which is a relief. I don’t know if it is because 95% of my body is covered, they are used to Westerners, or I am in fact not that interesting. No matter the reason, I’m happy about it.

4. I should have invested in waterproof mascara before coming. When walking around outside, ice forms on my eyelashes and smudges my mascara around my eyes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are able to blend in :-) Do you look like a ninja when you dress for the cold? Your eyes would be the only tell!
